Catalina Castro, Isla Cozumel Day Pass

Catalina Castro

"Travel and create stories that will last a lifetime."

"Love Travel to Cozumel"

On an island with one main road, it's hard to get lost.


Cozumel travel expert.

As public relations manager I have a passion for storytelling and motivating people to try new adventures. Storytelling. Creativity. People. That is what public relations is about. 

It is an honor to be working for Isla Cozumel Day Pass, a company that values the experience of its customers. Through my past experience working with social media, I have learned the importance of persuasion and guiding an audience so they may have the best experience while here in Isla Cozumel. I strongly believe in the power of kindness and hardwork to achieve great things. During my time I will live every day by that statement.  

  • September 2017 - March 2021: Student at University of Florida

    The public relations curriculum is one of the most in-depth curricula in the country, with a balance between skills and conceptual courses. The Department of Public Relations consistently ranks among the top public relations education programs in the United States, and it is among the largest programs in terms of the number of faculty and students, including one of the largest chapters of the Public Relations Student Society of America.

  • January 2020 - current: Public Relations for

    Content for this website was created to promote the unique day time activities found in Cozumel.

Catalina Castro